Gábor Csárdi
pak installs R packages from various sources. pak is fast, safe and convenient. This post shows the improvements in system requirements support on Linux, in the just released pak 0.6.0 version. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
The latest releases of rsample and tune provide a new interface to validation sets as a three-way split. Read more ...
Jennifer Bryan
gmailr 2.0.0 streamlines the auth process and makes it easier to use gmailr in a cloud or deployed context. Read more ...
Max Kuhn
The desirability2 package, for multivariable optimization, is now on CRAN. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
censored 0.2.0 is on CRAN! censored has two new engines for random forests and parametric survival models. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
dplyr 1.1.1 is on CRAN! This patch release includes a number of performance regression fixes along with refinements to the multiple match join warnings that result in warnings being thrown much less often. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
Now including lubridate! Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dtplyr brings initial support for dplyr 1.1.0 features, new translations, and a breaking change. Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
This final post contains a grab-bag of new features, including: pick() for column selection inside of data-masking functions, reframe() as the new home for summarise()'s multi-row behavior, and major performance improvements to arrange(). Read more ...
Davis Vaughan
All of the dplyr vector functions, like between() and case_when(), are now powered by vctrs. We’ve also added two powerful new helpers: case_match() and consecutive_id(). Read more ...