Hadley Wickham
pkgdown 2.1.0 includes two major new features: support for quarto vignettes and a “light switch” that lets the reader switch between light and dark mode. It also contains a bunch of other improvements to both the user and the developer experience. Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
recipes 1.1.0 is on CRAN! recipes now have better input checking and quality of life errors. Read more ...
Simon Couch
A new release of the parsnip extension package bonsai introduces support for oblique random forests for classification and regression to tidymodels. Read more ...
Gábor Csárdi
Nanoparquet is a new R package that can read and write (flat) Parquet files. This post covers its features and limitations. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
The initial release brings markdown awareness to grid and ggplot2 to allow for rich text formatting in R graphics. Read more ...
Simon Couch
While we’ve written about survival analysis and machine learning fairness already, the newest tune release includes a number of other major changes. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
Join the tidyverse team in Seattle on August 15 for a day of fun and programming to improve the tidyverse! Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dbplyr 2.5.0 brings improved syntax for referring to tables nested in schemas and catalogs along with a bunch of minor SQL generation improvements. Read more ...
George Stagg
webR 0.3.1 is now available at npm, GitHub, and via CDN. Take a look at what’s new in this release. Read more ...
Teun van den Brand
Introducing a new polar coordinate system that supersedes the old coord_polar(). Read on about the new coord_radial(). Read more ...