Hadley Wickham
pkgdown 2.1.0 includes two major new features: support for quarto vignettes and a “light switch” that lets the reader switch between light and dark mode. It also contains a bunch of other improvements to both the user and the developer experience. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
Catch up on the last two years of testthat development which includes improved documentation, new expectations, a new style for error snapshots, support for mocking, a new way to detect if a test has changed global state, and a handful of UI improvements. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
roxygen2 7.2.0 brings improvements to NAMESPACE generation, better multiparameter argument inheritance, and improved warnings. Read more ...
Hannah Frick
A workflow for upgrading to testthat edition 3: activation, deprecations, changes to warnings, messages, and comparisons. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
pkgdown 2.0.0 includes a major refresh of the default template (now using bootstrap 5), many new ways to customise your site, improvements to code styling, and much, much, more. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
We are renaming the default branch of many Git(Hub) repositories and this post explains how contributors can adapt, using new functionality in usethis. Read more ...
Jenny Bryan
This is a big release aimed at improving usability, especially around Git and GitHub functionality. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
Gábor Csárdi
A minor roxygen2 release with some new features Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
A massive update to roxygen2 now on CRAN. Read more ...