Lionel Henry
withr is the tidyverse solution for automatically cleaning up after yourselves (temporary files, options, etc). This milestone makes withr much faster. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
This release automatically warns if you forget to export an S3 method, regenerates the NAMESPACE before documenting the rest of the package, and does a better job generating aliases for the package documentation topic. Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
The tidymodels team has been busy working on all sorts of new features across the ecosystem. Read more ...
Thomas Lin Pedersen
scales 1.3.0 is a minor release focusing on streamlining the API and gradual improvements of the existing utilities Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
httr2 is the successor to httr, providing a pipeable interface to generate HTTP requests and handle the responses. It’s focussed on the needs of an R user wrapping a modern web API, but is flexible enough to handle just about any HTTP related task. Read more ...
Simon Couch
The tidymodels team’s biannual spring cleaning gave us a chance to revisit the way we raise some error messages. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
dbplyr 2.4.0 brings improvements to SQL generation, better control over the generated SQL, some new translations, and a bunch of backend specific improvements. Read more ...
Hadley Wickham
Catch up on the last two years of testthat development which includes improved documentation, new expectations, a new style for error snapshots, support for mocking, a new way to detect if a test has changed global state, and a handful of UI improvements. Read more ...
Emil Hvitfeldt
The tidymodels team has been busy working on all sorts of new features across the ecosystem. Read more ...
Gábor Csárdi
pak installs R packages from various sources. pak is fast, safe and convenient. This post shows the improvements in system requirements support on Linux, in the just released pak 0.6.0 version. Read more ...