R version support

  Mara Averick

Our general policy is to support the current version, the devel version, and four previous versions of R. This policy applies to all packages that we support, i.e. as well as all tidyverse packages, it also applies to the infrastructure packages that we maintain in r-lib.

Thus the official minimum supported versions of R for the tidyverse are as follows:

R version Release date Minimum supported version
3.6 2019-04-26 3.2
4.0 2020-04-24 3.3
4.1 2021-05-18 3.4
4.2 2022-04-22 3.5
4.3 2023-04-21 3.6
4.4 2024-04-24 4.0
4.5 2025 Spring 4.1
4.6 2026 Spring 4.2

Note that, as described in the R Developer “Release plans”, R version releases occur annually in Spring. We generally update the required version in package metadata on the next package release after the R release, so you may see older versions listed in published CRAN packages.

Edit history

  • 2022-11-15: Added table with annual historic and projected R-version support.
  • 2024-07-03: Clarified that the policy also applies to r-lib and added release dates.