pkgdown 1.1.0

  pkgdown, r-lib

  Mara Averick

We’re delighted to announce the release of pkgdown 1.1.0. pkgdown is designed to make it quick and easy to build a website for your package. In addition to minor fixes, this release includes front-end and Rd-translation improvements. For a full list of changes, please see the NEWS.

New features

build_reference() and build_site() have gained a new document argument, which defaults to TRUE. This ensures that your documentation is up to date by automatically running devtools::document().

The build_site() function has also gained a new_process argument. When new_process is set to TRUE (as it is by default), pkgdown will be run in a separate process to improve reproducibility. This also means that in example code interactive() will return FALSE, making that the best way to run code that is truly interactive (as with shiny apps).

The new, improved display for icons can be seen in the ggplot2 documentation. Icons must be 30px, and stored in a top-level icons/ directory. Icon names are matched to the name of the Rd file. The icons will be embedded in a separate column of the reference index table, rather than inside of comments. (See ggplot2’s icons.R for detail).

Front end

Users can now access search with a keyboard shortcut, shift + / (?). We’ve also improved active-tab highlighting in the navbar, and better isolated pkgdown.js to avoid issues when widgets loaded use a different version of jquery.

Rd translation

This release includes several improvements to Rd translation. Automatic linking now works for re-exported objects that are not functions. vignette() calls that don’t link to existing vignettes fail silently, instead of generating uninformative errors. Empty \section{}s are now ignored. \Sexpr{} now supports results=text, results=Rd, and results=hide. Lastly, \tabular{} no longer requires a terminal \cr.